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The Redeemed Christian Church of God
In July 1909, a son was born into the Akindayomi family of Ondo State of Nigeria. Even though this child grew up surrounded by idol worshippers, he knew there existed a greater power and yearned to know,
"The God who created the earth and everyone on it". This pursuit for God led him to the Church Missionary Society where he was baptized in 1927.
Today, God is still doing marvelous deeds through the Redeemed Christian Church of God, worldwide. One of the well-known programs of the church is the Holy Ghost Service, an all night miracle service that holds on the first Friday of every month at the Redemption Camp at Km. 46, Lagos-Ibadan expressway. Organizations, Christian Schools, Religions, Christians, Prayers, Churches, Sunday Schools, Evangelism, Books, Team building, Sunday Worship, Pastoral Care, Family Life, Education, Administration, and Junior Church.